CANNA FLUSH gets rid of extraneous nutrients from the plant and cultivation system.
CANNA FLUSH is an additive that will cleanse the cultivation system and plants from extraneous salts. If you apply it when changing fertilizer, it will thoroughly clean the cultivation system, and at the same time will not destroy friendly bacteria and mold. When used before harvesting, it will cleanse the plants from all the salts that are too much, so that the result will be even better. Removes allerable nutrients from the cultivation systemSoils or soilless mixtures:
Hydroponic systems (open):
Pre-harvest (only for annual plants)
Repeated use of the ineration systemCANNA Flush is suitable for cleaning inerant cultivation systems (such as expanded clay). Add CANNA Flush at the correct concentration (40 ml/10 l water from the water supply). Leave the system for 24 hours to soak and then rinse with the same amount of clean water. If necessary, repeat the whole process. Instructions for safe use and storage
WarrantyCANNA uses only high-quality substances that are directly available and are directly absorbed by the plant. The packaging of the preparation is made of polyethylene (without cadmium and PVC content), a plastic that is subject to biological decomposition and can be recycled at the same time. |