Grodan Rockwool - Hydroponics, Cuttings, Cloning, Plant Propagation | Wholesale & Retail

( number of products: 16 )

Grodan (GRODAN ROCK WOOL) growing media for propagation or vegetables and fruits grow!

Grodan (GRODAN ROCK WOOL) is a producer of new generation growing media and solutions for producers of vegetables under cover, who want to obtain high yields, excellent quality and ecological product. The most famous product is the Grodan Delta cube, which forms the basis of the controlled cultivation of healthy plants. Each cube has the same density, flexibility and stiffness, which ensures even distribution of water, nutrients and a constant pH value. This gives a uniform high quality of the crop.

Grodan wool cloning trays - for clones and small seedlings

For clone-making growers, a GRODAN mineral wool tray, 77 pcs or 150 pcs, will be useful to have a good & healthy clones. Very convenient way for those who prepare clones for horticulture or for home growers. The plastic trays are suitable to Garland XL propagators available in our store.

Grodan Vital / Grodan Prestige 100/15/7,5cm - for horticulture

Grodan Vital Rock wool mats are perfect for horticulture growers of cucumbers, peppers and eggplants

Grodan Prestige are featured with higher desnity, which helps to helps to maintain higher humidity in the medium
