Lumen light / PAR calculator | Growbox calculator

Have you ever wondered how many lights / lumens / ppfd your plants need to grow properly?

Use one of the calculators to determine the amount of energy, light and other necessary parameters.

Basic calculators (only for HPS lighting)




Length of the base (cm)
The width of the base (cm)
Surface [m 2 ] Powierzchnia wyrażona w m2



Surface [m 2 ] Wpisujemy powierzchnie na której bedzięmy prowadzić nasz "projekt" w m2, gdy wcześniej nie była obliczona
Lumens per m 2 (lm) Przyjmuje się że na m2 wystarcza 50 000 lm (w przypadku oświetlenia HPS)
You need (lm) NAjczęściej można spotkać następującą relacje mocy HPS'a do ilości lumenów
50W - 4 400 lm
70W - 6 600 lm
100W - 10 700 lm
150W - 17 500 lm
250W - 33 000 lm
400W - 56 000 lm
600W - 90 000 lm



Amount of watts consumed [W] Wpisujemy moc jaką potrzebuje nasze oswietlenie w W(wat)
How many hours an hour Ileość godzin przez która lampa/panel bedzie włączony podczas doby

najczęściej spotykane to 18 lub 12 w zaleznosci od fazy życia rośliny
For how many days Ile dni planujemy używać naszego sprzętu
Price per kW (in USD cents) Ile płacisz za 1 kW w groszach
Najczesciej spotyka się cenę 55gr w przypadku standardowej stawki i około 0,95 gr w przypadku firm
Total cost (USD) Całkowity koszt wyrażony w złotówkach

Advanced calculator (all types of lighting)


The advanced version of the calculator will help you choose the right lighting for your growbox, regardless of whether you are interested in LED Panel HPS or CFL knowing its color temperature and basic parameters, you can easily calculate its performance and see if it is enough for your grow. The calculator is based on data presented in the article published by: Institute of Life Science and Biology Department, Texas A and M University, College Station, Texas (USA)

Step 1) Provaid details about your light source

Tell us how much light your lamp produces or how many watts it uses to produce light, you can give us this value using several parameters (just enter one). Values ​​should be given after the "dot" and not after the "comma"

Lumens - Amount of all light produced by the light source 
PPF (μmol / s) - The value of active photosynthetic light (the one that can be used by the plant) 
Amount of watts - The real power consumption  (watts spent on light production, excluding ventilation e.t.c)

Step 2) Enter the color of light in Kelvin or nanometer of your light source

Color temperature (Kelvin) - choose this option if your panel produce white light and you know its temperature expressed in Kelvin, 
for example: CFL for flowering will have a value of 2100K - 2700K 
CFL for veg/grow will be 6400K 
Average HPS will have 2000K 
A single length of light counted in nanometers ( nm) - Only applies to LED panels, 
"500" means a single diode with a length of 500 nm. 
"500, 400, 700" means a panel with diodes 500,400,700 of equal power. 
"400: 2, 700: 1" means a panel in which 2/3 of power is used for diodes 400 nm and 1/3 for diodes 700 nm

Step 3) Enter the angle at which your panel releases the light

 ° Degree 
Angle under which the light goes ot of the luminaire, eg in the case of a HPS bulb without a reflector it will be 360

Step 4) Enter the height on which your light source will hang:

The height is counted from the luminaire to the illuminated surface

Step 5) Enter the length of the exposure (photoperiod):

Enter how many hours the light will be on within 24 hours (the most common are 12 or 18 hours)

The green color graph - Light which is defined by lumens (which the luxmeeter is most sensitive to), eg  LED diode with a light length of 500 nm when tested with luxmeter will reach more than twice smaller result than the 550nm diode. By the way, it is worth adding that this is the range  of light (nanometers) on which the human eye is the most sensitive (light in this area we see very clearly) 
Pink color chart - A graph showing the distribution of active energy photosynthetic radiation, i.e. which plant can be used for photosynthesis. 
Blue color chart - A graph showing the distribution of radiation energy produced by a defined panel.


Illuminated area m^2
Radiation stream W
PPF µmol/s
Lumen's lm
Radiant Flux Density W/m^2
PPFD µmol/s*m^2
PAR radiation W/m^2
Lux: lux
DLI mol/day

DLI - Describes the number of photosynthetic active photons  that are delivered to a specific area within a period of 24 hours. 5mol / day -acceptable for some plants, 10mol / day -for a plant enough dose, 20 + mol / day - Ideal dose for the vast majority of plants